You could say that about almost anything that is commoditized that isnt protected by something like a patent.
You could say that about almost anything that is commoditized that isnt protected by something like a patent.
So “minnesota nice” is basically the same as “southern hospitality”?
Spending 165k on that type of administrator isnt really that crazy - depending on the actual position and responsibilities. As the husband of a teacher - that seems egregious, but just because teachers arent paid as they should - it doesnt mean we should depress the pay of everyone in education. I actually think that…
And right over your head...
I think it would have gotten about the same attention, but you wouldnt have right-wing media twisting themselves into knots over how to cover the issue.
I agree with your premise, but this is the maximum he could receive if he was convicted of all charges with the max sentences running non-concurrently (again an astronomical chance of this happening). If you look at the penalty for each individual crime it would probably make a lot more sense. You have to write laws…
You clearly do not understand what that turn of phrase means. It has a lot more to do with you thinking your shit doesnt stink than your socioeconomic situation.
I would also not assume that the buyers are legit, until they actually purchase the car. Yes - your bid enters you into a hypothetical contract (with a few escape clauses), but shill/fake bidding still happens all the time.
Spoiler Alert: There is about 1:1,000,000,000,000 chance that a sentence anywhere close to that would actually be imposed.
Comparisons to the bone-itis guy from Futurama seem more apt imo.
“I am slightly regretful that the microphone was on when I said those comments.”
just found out Clarke was a registered D - which would make sense if that didnt stand for democrat.
I thought that was a more jab at DJT - and his horrible taste in food (e.g., overdone steaks w/ ketchup).
I would be kind of surprised to find out that this actually happened. Kind of like the lesbian waitress who fabricated her whole bs story to try to get some crowdfunding $. Of course, having waited tables - this could also easily be true, because there are plenty of awful people out there from all sorts of backgrounds.
Love these tone-deaf ivory tower takes.
I would imagine this is about 1.5' too tall for that.
Surprise! - people are often wrong about what they want/should want - including businesses. Many of them probably dont know the first thing about effectively reaching their customers and would defer to experts that would likely point them to video channels for their ad purposes.
you forgot rubbing mud.
I am actually kind of hoping that Al Franken considers a run. I feel like he could be really successful since he is kind of an “outsider” - seems quite progressive, but is also pragmatic in his approach.
As a fan of Bernie, his age gives me pause as well. Seems like there ought to be all sorts of progressives out there with social justice planks as part of their platform that arent septuagenarians.