Thats weird, especially because the further you go back (not sure of your age) the more acceptable casual sexism was - and one of the many knocks was on their driving, so I am not sure how people would see that as a feature per se.
Thats weird, especially because the further you go back (not sure of your age) the more acceptable casual sexism was - and one of the many knocks was on their driving, so I am not sure how people would see that as a feature per se.
I used to think this universally until I wanted to get Crosstrek (for tens of mountain trips per year/good daily driver). IIRC it was actually cheaper to buy it new since there were only two prior year models - and resale prices stayed strong. The used cars were slightly cheaper on paper - but banks like new cars…
You really think its economically feasible for anyone to smelt and then refine whatever crazy ass alloys are in a putter head that weighs like 5 oz? Not going to happen - and even if it did that too has various costs. More likely it would end up in a landfill near an ocean or entombed.
That is still VERY expensive. You need at least a moderately competent lawyer - and they dont come cheap.
Best case scenario, the DA is very understanding and drops/knocks down most of the charges so that she may have to do some community service and pay some court fees or something.
As titanium is highly resistant to corrosion the effect would be extremely minimal. People usually refer to the second law when they are speaking to the inherent wear of mechanical systems (i.e., the “inefficient” conversion of heat energy).
Are you under the impression that golf clubs are made to be water soluble just like fertilizers?
i guess you didnt read the article. copious amounts of ammonium nitrate only slightly favor a handful of species that would ostensibly do almost as well if the course didnt clear cut and then douse the whole area in chemicals daily 8 months out of the year. They are very clearly a net negative when it comes to…
Well I just read up on this, and while you are right, this is totally different from what I was speaking to. The law does apply to sublets - which means that these are tenant renters.
So does the rule apply to transient occupancy or subletting? These arent really the same even if they are similar.
as if golf courses are natural preserves?
So under this line of thinking - shouldnt all coal miners, and people with high rates of occupational hazards (basically all of the industries that donate very heavily to the GOP), be excluded from insurance markets?
It would be nice if these assholes trying to forcefully spread Christianity were actually familiar with the Bible themselves. If they read the gd book they would know that:
Is it really though? The Catholic church has a long, storied history of corruption and malfeasance - much of which lead to them filling their coffers with gold and treasure.
Why would they suddenly break tradition?
TL;DR, but I assume it is chock full of strawmen and hypocritical smugness - like most of your other posts.
What, exactly, are you trying to accomplish here? The typical trump voter doesnt look or sound anything like this toothless Appalachian hillbilly coal miner that youre trying conjure. Even if they were, you would be one of the worst gd people to try to communicate with this ridiculous caricature of a human that you…
Oh you are totally right. And those uneducated people really like to be reminded just how stupid and incapable they are of making sound decisions. You should really be working for the DNC, since your messaging is so great. Most people are really receptive to new viewpoints right after you tell them just how…
When I say equitable outcome - what I mean is probably closer to what youre proposing. I.e., education opps, equal access to business/personal loans, etc. Also I dont mean exactly the same - just that people with the same ed. background are in the same pay tiers etc.
Yup... I am from Alabama, lived in DC briefly and am now in Colorado. I spent all of primary school and part of my career SURROUNDED by these people - interacting with them on a daily basis both as peer and subordinate.
The OP in this thread doesnt seem to detect his own ridiculous condescension either, and so many of…
I am sure the weather is good this time of year in Stalingrad at least. Let us know.
Equitable outcomes would be a very obvious answer here.