Really amazing how this gets so many stars.
Really amazing how this gets so many stars.
Especially when you are driving that fast... I would guess that the driver barely even heard the cop, and they definitely didnt see him coming.
You are right, but this isnt really an example of that. As fast as he is going - there is probably no way that the car - with right of way - was even aware. Regardless, being in a big rush here didnt get him there any faster - and that is one of those lines that traffic cops toe all the time.
Securing an undeserved starting spot on a different major sports team?
Is that supposed to make us somehow feel better about this objectively awful situation? I certainly dont.
In fairness Russian authorities are part of “the state,” so he may actually be on the other side of the fence.
So this a means to what end, exactly?
While I believe that the last 8 months has made me just about this cynical, the AHCA is incredibly unpopular - even with Republican voters - and narratives can be powerful tools to change minds.
Counterpoint - Of course, none of this has actually translated into people changing their votes yet (maybe the Ossoff…
That article was ridiculous on a lot of accounts - including comparing Gadot’s one film base salary to the annual income of various other occupations. Last time I checked they dont typically shoot for 12 months, and even if you included her pre/post production commitments - I am sure she still has time for at least…
You act as if there is actually some mechanism of punishment when we catch the admin in lies/mistruths (aside from the cowardly legislative branch). Considering it appears that POTUS and all of his lackeys have literally zero shame, I dont find this to be a particularly compelling argument.
IMO, the WH press corps has much more important functions than covering what are highly controlled PR events for POTUS. Also weird that people still seem to think that Trump even cares that people think he is a liar, since all current evidence points directly to the contrary.
I get the premise of your argument, but all of the WH presssers havent been remotely informative - and in fact are often the opposite (dis/misinfo).
Probably because it was an integral part of their proprietary business model.
Good, cheap pizza, at least thats my guess as someone who doesnt live there, and whose city has a dearth of options.
It is really hard to garnish wages when he is probably paid by variety of companies on a relatively unpredictable schedule. Unless he is getting crazy royalties, Id bet this is really hard to enforce.
How is the lead? I was guessing the issues were more directorial etc., and not necessarily the acting. Kind of a shame since dude seems to have been born for the role.
Youre right on the last point. I am almost certain that my purchase included at least one free (for me at least) year of membership (didnt realize it auto-expired, regardless I dont want to be counted as a supporter). I guess I could have opted out, but in this scenario I think I would have had to tell the shop owner…
There isnt because that wasnt the NRA’s original mission, and that wasnt the impetus for their formation.
Wow. If serious, congratulations! I have never seen someone earnestly try to compare the ACLU and the NRA. I would also say that there are very good reasons for that, one of which is that the ACLU actually supports all civil liberties - including the right to life - whereas the NRA could give two shits about any of…
was this intended to be a reply to me? I only said that they used to be concerned about safety and training. Also said that they’re awful, both for the reason you outline and a plenty of others, especially for becoming a lobbying arm of gun manufacturers. Their only real interest now, is in selling more guns - or…