Yeah H1B visas have been (at least partly) a scam for a long time.
Companies lobby the US government saying that there is no one to fill these jobs, shovel money into campaign coffers and suddenly there are tons of them.
Yeah H1B visas have been (at least partly) a scam for a long time.
Companies lobby the US government saying that there is no one to fill these jobs, shovel money into campaign coffers and suddenly there are tons of them.
H1B visas arent typically (ever?) granted to field laborers, they are typically granted to people in the tech industry - people that are in fact displacing American labor.
SV loved H1B visas and often said that Americans couldnt do the work that necessitated their use, but what they forgot to mention was that Americans…
It says she is a suspect, doesnt say anything about her being charged or degree of culpability.
You say that as if some other horrible person(s) hasnt already filled those voids. Until Google and other ad companies actually make a point to choke out these outlets (including Natural News, breitbart, infowars, prison planet etc. etc. etc.) these people will continue to make large sums of money off of others…
I am in total agreement on the matter, and try to practice what I preach.
Just because he has been exposed doesnt really mean anything. The troll economy is booming, if it werent you wouldnt have Milo, Tommie Layerin, Alex Jones etc. getting lucrative media/ad deals because of it (even if some have since evaporated).
What I am saying is that all sports is “smalltime things” for the people that arent actually making a living at it. In this regard it is no more crazy to be passionate about your local D. IV soccer team/AAA baseball team than it is to be passionate about say the NE Patriots. Just because one fan is MORE COMMON than…
Violent sports fandom is idiocy, FULL STOP.
Questioning one’s loyalty to a team to which they dont play for is kind of silly when you seem to do the same thing for what I can assume are equally arbitrary reasons.
Their fandom isnt less valid because their team didnt do x,y and z, and their resorting to violence is only…
So this is a-OK when your team is good or well-renowned?
Hard to see how youre not implying that.
Before too long she will making her case to the Chinese.
Wow thats a hot take.
Where in the constitution does it say that it is our right (or at least the right of the states) to have the govenment kill guilty US citizens on our behalf? I must have been sick that day in Civics/PoliSci 101.
Well good for us.
I dont really care who wins out in these battles as long as we continue our march toward autonomous vehicles, but this does make their valuation seem puzzling (or perhaps traditional autos are just undervalued?). Maybe there is something about the release of the 3 that we dont know about?
I remember that, but I think that may have only been all of the Hyperloop tech, and not the battery (charge station whatever its called) or auto tech - but I could be mistaken.
I would guess that Tesla’s IP over the last decade is far more interesting and lucrative than that of GM and other US autos. Sometimes your patents are worth more than anything you could ever make with them, but I dont think that Musk has shown much interest in licensing.
Early reports implied that she probably knew the assailant. Everyone seemed to be reporting that it was a likely robbery attempt as well, but nothing was taken. Of course, all of this should be taken with a big grain of salt - seeing as how eager people are to break a story, and how unreliable early reports have…
Did you forget this was in Alabama? As someone who was raised there, and spend a small portion of my adult life there, this makes perfect sense (given the electorate, and their penchant for voting against their own interests).
because #brands
“his” art is also produced by workshop that includes what I assume is tens of people who actually do all the work, and probably a great deal of the design and engineering. This isnt necessarily unlike many of the artists that he is appropriating (Ruebens etc.), but those people at least had to prove their mastery -…
I think that fans may not be so emboldened if most of the facilities these teams played in werent subsidized with their tax dollars. Pretty easy to think that they work for us when we unwittingly pay them.
I mean Seinfeld does have a point - he is just the worst possible person to make it (I am biased as a person who likes neither his show nor his standup) - and the whole “political correctness” becoming a conservative dog whistle for sanctioning racism/misogyny etc. doesn’t help at all.
Of course the vast majority of…