Hugo Stiglitz

What about ‘radicalized Christians’ like himself? Why point out muslim at all?

Well, we of the law know that all “suspects” are just criminals who haven’t been convicted by a namby-pamby court. Right? For those of the alt-right, this is what’s known as sarcasm, boys.

But you’re assuming that he makes a distinction....

Well, you know that whole ‘innocent until proven guilty’ thing doesn’t apply when you’re trying to justify defending a racist elected official....

He also uses the word suspect, which would mean anyone he potentially thinks could be a radical.

He does, but he also says “radicalized Islamic suspect”, which means ones that haven’t been convicted of anything, or killed in the act of a crime. There are plenty that consider any Muslim a “suspect”.

“Not a single radicalized Islamic suspect should be granted any measure of quarter.”

“However, the headline is way wrong”

As an oldish fuck, (65), my overriding goal right now is to make sure that I remain healthy so that I outlive the idiotic, unpatriotic, treasonous assholes who put this joke of a human being in the whitehouse. I not only want the last laugh, I want to piss on their graves.

People who voted for Clinton in the primary are far more to blame for Trump than those voted for Stein in the general.

Punching down on people that actually organize against climate change seems like a brave way to make things better.

Yes, because yelling at Green Party voters and blaming them for Trump is such a great way to get them to vote Democratic in 2020.

*Not pictured: The thousands of Obama voters who flipped to Trump or stayed home rather than vote for a neoliberal imperialist.

“For every one blue collar voter we lose in the rust belt, we will pick up two conservative Republican women in the suburbs!”

Yea, we should definitely blame the Green party. Truly, they owed their vote because it was Her Turn. How dare they vote (however foolishly) for what they believe.

Who is truly to blame? Those 6.5m Trump voters, not the 130k Green voters. But no no, keep throwing blame around - it never gets old this far out from the

Do not presume to use the argument that voting 3rd party is in any way not an adult decision or is somehow immature. There is nothing wrong with it at all. Voting based on your principles is always a mature decision. Just because you have cynical attitude doesn’t mean it is any less a valid decision. It may be

Freund concludes, “relatively low voting rates among Democratic voters was a bigger contributor to the results than high voting rates among Republicans. Put differently, Trump did not win the white working class, Clinton lost it.”

Can people just not ask Hillary Clinton things anymore? If the Democratic party actually wants to pull its collective shit together and stop fucking around, they need to drop her like a bad habit. I don’t even think they need to go extreme left either, they just need to find some genuine, likable people. There’s no

The Clinton campaign is why we have Trump.