
Motorized automatic seatbelts. Before airbags were fully embraced this seemed like an intelligent way to get occupants to have at least some sort of automatic/passive protection. Better than nothing, though not nearly as good as normal 3-point manual belts. Fun note: Some cars had both motor-mouse belts AND airbags.

I bet they have those SCMODS - State. County. Municipal. Offender. DataSystem.

"Can I have 12, please?"

If I remember correctly John Bonham had a rockin collection.

"When you get to age 35 or so, you usually just want to have a nice meal and then get a decent night's rest."

I turn 36 in three weeks and have already instructed my girlfriend that the Chinese buffet and letting me pick the movie is more than enough. 15 years ago? Let's not talk about 15 years ago except to say that

That sir is a RG-31 complete with a SPARKS Mine Roller. Has a add on RPG defeat cage, commonly called SLAT Armor. The big antennae on the back right is for a WARLOCK/DUKE radio controlled IED Defeat system, which jams radio frequencies and cellular communications if an IED is set up to be remotely detonated by a

You forgot to mention he smoked weed in college.

Best thing I know for a glasstop stove is to first hit it with a razor (the kind they sell for scraping paint from windows works well) and then scrub it with Barkeeper's Friend.

Entertaining read. Probably could've designated a slot to "Cleveland Browns Coach 1999-2012".

"Prudential Insurance Company, Los Angeles

I saw the pic of the Gemini and thought, 'Piiiigs innnnnnn spaaaaaace!'

Bustin' makes me feel good.