
not to mention the standing ovation

funny how no one has mentioned memoirs of a geisha casting zhang ziyi and gong li, two chinese women, to play japanese characters.

who sez that time has past? the CIA is still pulling shit overseas.

which is why jurisdiction matters as youtube just proved to toei

All those wanna be copyright experts who said his content were not fair use can fucking suck it now.

has the judge even watch any one of the vids? it was very obvious the women were consenting adults. I’m not defending the site’s shady owners but it’s pretty clear from the vids the girls knew what they were getting into. hell a few of them even parleyed their appearances into full blown porn careers.

I’ve lived in Japan for several years. I speak Japanese. I read and write Japanese. This is an anime, Shingeki no Kyojin. Highly popular, stylized, intended to demonstrate the alienation that people feel, particularly young people feel, in their cultures. Does anime have violence? Yes. It’s highly stylized violence.

someone’s been playing too much persona 5

wtf is up w the suit and all them yellow streaks -_- the flash’s costume is supposed to be simple and streamlined not this hot mess.

my one thought watching her on screen in the trailer: why is catwoman walking around in public without her mask???

my one thought watching her on screen in the trailer: why is catwoman walking around in public without her mask???

see that’s exactly what he called out in the special. the you’re not with us so you’re against us mentality that you are now screaming

How is it despite w all these things coming to light the justice department has yet to charge/indict orange on anything?!

well japan still uses the fax till this day sooooo

seriously what happened to his face? looks like he’s had botched plastic surgery

ya right. she’s not that altruistic. no one is.

Like Bill Maher said I believe victims but if i believe all everything then what does that make me? If Ellis really did what he did why hasn’t there been an arrest and trial especially if they have overwhelming proof?

Exactly. Warren Ellis is what made the show great.

no. because it’s already difficult to pull off already. if it was easy to do then by all means nerf it

i really hated how useless they made jean look in the show