
You make some interesting points. However, Frank’s attack on the construction workers was definitely meant to be a “fuck yeah” moment, because they made the victims as unlikable as possible and struck up some bad-ass music to accompany their brutal deaths. You may not like that, but I’m talking about clear authorial

Yes, but Marty didn’t radically change his grandparent’s lives. The only reason Deke (or any of us) exist, is because a specific sperm reached a certain egg at a particular time. The likelihood of that happening again if the timeline is changed that radically is astronomical. There is no way Deke exists if they save

Just in case you needed more evidence that barbecue sauce connoisseurs are fucking idiots, well. There you go. 

Okay, I read the first two sentences, and now I see I’m going to have to read about this somewhere else. You’re not funny, Alex. In fact, you’re obnoxious as fuck, and you’re bad at your job. I hope you have to do something else to make a living, and soon.

I agree with everything you said except Legion season two. Can’t wait.

“Again, the hardest part of this show’s entire existence is making us care about a place we all know is set to explode.”

You don’t know what “poignant” means.

Wow. That’s stunningly ignorant and biased thing to say. What is and isn’t barbaric is relative to oh christ why am I bothering

You’re not qualified to say what is and is not objective, because you apparently don’t know what it means. Nothing is objectively good or bad. “Objectively good” is an oxymoron. The idea that one’s opinions are woven into the fabric of reality is a common fallacy responsible for much of the dogmatic tragedy in the

Also, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg means “expedite,” not “expediate,” which isn’t a word.

Because Whedon thought it would be a fun reference for people who’ve read the comics. You really need this explained, like the whole “verbage” thing?

“She tried to admirably draw the conversation into normal orbit, but she also sounded at times like a Jezebel blogger. Wearing a cleavage-showing tight blouse to the men. You go, girl!”

I couldn’t even get through the first paragraph of this because the “scare quotes” cunty tone was too much for me. If you want to write an article about someone of whom you disapprove, maybe do it in a way that doesn’t immediately make everyone reading it want to smack you in your fucking face.

And sometimes people like you wildly speculate based on zero information in order to shame people you’ve never met for doing things they probably didn’t do. You have no reason to assume his co-workers knew anything about alleged assaults, though you’re happy to do so anyway because you’re a fucking creep.

“The third and final big thematic throughline of the season is the mystery of Jessica’s origin story. This is the thread I’m least interested in and which, unfortunately, looks like it will be the central focus of the season.”

My eyes just rolled so hard they’re behind the refrigerator. At some point you just let it go. You’re giving progressives a bad name.

“Cracking a joke he clearly pre-wrote and getting a laugh anyway.”

This episode contained what is easily the finest instance of well-incorporated Zima product placement I’ve seen.

You’re a kind of idiot.

Nah. I’ll take characters I actually care about instead.