
Maybe she didn’t have a birth certificate or social security number? You can get through school without those things, but when you’re 18 and getting ready for college or a job it’d start being a real problem, and it’s hard for a kidnapper to explain away. That’s what made Carlina White suspicious.

WHYYYYY THO? What is going on in a home that makes one think “you know, I don’t think mom is really mom...”???

hi everyone! what’s for dinner? it’s cold and drizzly and gloomy so i made baked ziti. i’m home alone but why should that stop me from cooking myself an awesome meal?? washed it down with a nice rioja.

Just had a baby 6 weeks ago. They only took her once for hearing test and the few other newborn items and she was back in 20 minutes. They didnt have a nursery.

They lock maternity wards down so tight now, it’s crazy. My kid was an hour old and had on a proximity alarm, three bar codes that corresponded to me, and a microchip. No exaggeration. And my hospital required babies to room in with the parents.

Every delivery ward I’ve been in in the past 10 years have a system so that this never happens. They baby has a monitor attached to them and there are sensors that if they’re taken beyond them, go off. Security is tight.

Still confused about the role this young woman played in revealing that she was abducted. Some news outlets make it seem like she sought the information out herself, but “acting on recent tips” makes it seem like there were external tips...the inappropriately nosy part of me desperately wants these details filled in!

Might as well call it All Lives Matter Day.

it’s near “The Iraq”

The Africa

People keep asking me why these things bother me so much, and why we should keep doing things like send aid or provide healthcare, and it’s seriously like, “I literally cannot explain to you how not to be asshole. Because that’s what this is, your gross inability to care for other people.”

Is that a still from the movie? Because he looks like he’s not sure if that thing he’s holding is a skinny feather duster or a really big Q-tip. Isn’t he supposed to be the king of kink or something?

“All too often, our flesh cocoons can feel like vessels of anxiety and existential dread.”