
I’d also like to point out other things Arpaio has done (and essentially gotten away with), just to really get the point across what a racist, corrupted piece of shit he is, as is Donald Trump. Of course, this doesn’t fully scratch the surface, but certainly provides a horrible, horrible taste.

Wait, I thought it was because he was elected racism was gone.

Not to mention just how idiotic the payroll statement is. Like, does he think Putin can actually fire U.S. employees?

Question: What is the greatest band in the world.
Answer: Chumbawamba

But do we ever find out how Tuxedo Guys/Cowboy Guys/Matador Guys end?

Twist: It wasn't Hannibal, but actual cannibal Shia Labeouf.

Indeed. It was very distracting and took me out of the scene for a bit. Maybe Arya will kill them next week.

Yeah they reallllllllly dragged out that montage for peak monotonous, gross factor.

It was a recurring Norm Macdonald bit on Weedend Update, although good luck finding any videos of it. There are, however, some amusing transcripts of the jokes.

I thought Lithgow knocked it out of the park as a crotchety old Churchill, but it is funny how so many are popping up lately.

No Frey pies though? Outrageous.

Been catching up on Doctor Who's new season and misread Davos as Davros, which would be an entirely different, although interesting show.

Guess there won't be a Watch the Throne sequel anytime soon.

But really they weren't booing the guy. They just knew he didn't have a chance at being president. Even Fred Thompson knew that.

They were saying boo-URNS.

He and I are from the same home town. When he came back to announce his presidential run years ago, my dad was in the crowd, turned to the guy next to him and asked him if he was gonna vote for him. He said absolutely not.

When I saw all that chocolate as the prize, all I could think about was how much those guys were heading towards diarrhea town.

Julian Morris died on his way back to his home planet.

I enjoyed the Avengers sketch, but I was really missing McKinnon as Black Widow.

I'm surprised Nick didn't bring up what it smells like when it burns. That kind of smell will make you gag, and the taste? Just awful.