So does Sony own Spider-Man in general, or could Marvel do a Miles Morales Spider-Man movie?
So does Sony own Spider-Man in general, or could Marvel do a Miles Morales Spider-Man movie?
Why else would you kill a man?
"Into Darkness"
Everybody knows one of the best ways to quit smoking is to keep your hands busy.
On the plus side, his tears taste like orange soda now.
So will we finally meet Every Boy? I heard The Ugly One has a crush on him.
This is some seriously swell promotion. While the last book is not my favorite of the trilogy by any means, I'm really hoping the film version can do something better with the material, such as not having Katniss breaking down in a closet for about half a book.
Always enjoyed visiting her ranch when I was younger, and her and Crystal Gale are just as sweet as they seem.
It looks like they've foregone the roses AND the long, drawn out speeches from Tuxedo Mask, and my gosh I'm just so darn happy about that.
Noticed the finale wasn't going to be on Sunday. When was the last time that happened?
I like that you chose a picture where you can hardly see Chevy Chase. So meta.
Did my eyes deceive me, or did Finn's shadow have both arms at the end? I wonder if that's gonna come into play later.
"Take a big fat dip of that guac."
It's not a de facto grown up, but it isn't de facto child, either. Also, we're looking at a specific character and how she's portrayed in the series given what we know of her history (which I would say is pretty adult-like material).
But she's experienced things most of her peers wouldn't have. Age doesn't determine whether one is child-like or not, but the amount of life experience a person has.
I always find it odd they gave Annie the interesting history to her character (drug addiction, disowned from parents, supported herself for years) and yet constantly paint her as this childish, immature figure. I would imagine it takes a mature, responsible, driven person to accomplish what she did, but she's still…
So Black Panther.
It would not surprise me if Zelena already took Snow's brains with the choices she's been making this season.