
My likings for Beyonce has dwindled down in the recent years. Sorry, but personally I think that she hasn't had a solid album since 'I am…Sasha Fierce' (Which I loved btw). Any album after that doesn't really appeal to me. That aside, initially I wasn't going to watch this film, however considering all the hoopla that

So Blue Diamond is confirmed. Excellent. With that said, I was surprised to see how huge she was. If I'm not mistaken in the angle that we saw her in she seemed a lot larger than Rose. It's theorized that Rose is a former diamond by fans, yet BD is bigger? Although Rose being Pink Diamond is not confirmed, given so

So Pearls have hair in their faces, which could be a symbolism of their subordinate status that are not built for combat (As stated on the show), while CG Pearl has hair out of her face and is warrior. Just pointing out the contrasting details.

I read this on Reddit.

My take on it is 'Happy Tree Friends'

I think this is way of showing Pearl's character development throughout the show. While other characters progression is translated as developing into understanding characters throughout the series, Pearl who was once painted as an intellectual perfectionist in the beginning of the series is now slowly revealing that

I interpreted it this way as well, but more so as an avocation being interrupted. I got the impression that she didn't realize that her writing fascinated others, therefore the inmates badgering her on updating the story put a lot of pressure on her to fulfill many expectations, when before it was just a hobby to her.

I am also one of the few who thought the speech was very cringeworthy, and painfully unfunny. I couldn't tell if the writers were trying to be funny and failed miserably, or they were going for a cheesy, satirical concept. Either way it was awful. This is nothing like the tone of this series at all.

Yes, I do have an east/west feed on my service, but the problem is that the entire episode isn't even listed. I live on the west coast, so the one that's listed for 6pm is the one that came on yesterday and Teen Titans comes on after that according to the guide. I'll just have to tune in on CN at 6pm or 3 regardless

Anyone else have Dish Network? Their guide is all screwed up. I keep missing it because of them. I guess I have to go online again.

Yeah, I know. I watched already. I was rather nervous to mention the site because I wasn't too sure about this site's guidelines. ^_^

I missed it because a certain cable company didn't label the episode as "new" *sigh*

I may only watch 2-3 episode a day next season. 2-3 because I don't want to drag something day-by-day and ending up being disappointed with the results.

I watched the whole season, but for the ones who are watching it day-by-day, I will that how the inmate ended up in prison so far in the season are poorly explained. I think they have a few new writers this season.

I felt so sad for her…


The red velvet line did it for me.

I'm rather new here, so if the community graded it an A-, it will still remain a B because the author graded it?

It was just bad writing on the writers part; however if you watch it again, they indicate that the kid had larger issues.

In my opinion it was just poor execution on the writing.