
Good, anyone who relies on the police for safety are idiots with a slave mentality.

You’re scum

You’re an idiot who secretly hates the idea that women can protect themselves from you.

Being pro facism while quoting Rage earns you a slap on the mouth

You’re literally too stupid understand the meaning of that word

You’re an idiot and I can only hope that you trip into animal feces

Congratulations on wasting close to a grand on a bike that will perform worse than a $400 one. 

Yeah I’m going to agree with the haters, Hitler does not deserve to be depicted with two. 

No u betch

Nice bait

I can have a real house built for under 80k. CP

None of the cars are unique, it doesn’t sound like anything and batteries are probably just a stopgap before we get fuel cells going. Fuck off and take your fake racing series with you. 

Like you had anywhere to go on Thursday. 

You weren’t obligated by law to drive a Pinto kiddo, why don’t you get a job? 

Jason, the Yugo sucked, the Civic was better and you’re just mad that you can’t afford a GTO by writing listicles. 

If you can’t see the value, then you aren’t a very good historian. 

Thats such a europoor take

Like hell you did

Then you don’t know the CCP

You’re an idiot