I mean you people are tired of killing your people
I mean you people are tired of killing your people
They are state controlled puppets
Oh my god shut the fuck up you stupid godamn tankie cunt
Nope still boring as shit
Good, destructive animals like you should have no say in a republic
Shut the fuck up old man
Everything is illegal if the DA wills it to be
So its a strawman, got it
You’re everything that’s wrong with our country.
The difference is that Larson is actually talented
Soooo, any plans for when Trump wins and this site is shutdown for losing money?
Says the guy who took his name after the quality of his posts
They’re only real IF they’re liquid, otherwise their value is subjective
They’re not socialist but you are an idiot, so you got that going for you
So concentrating wealth in the hands of a few apparatchiks is automatically better?
Your name is perfect
Go read a book
Because it’s an ideology that has consistently failed and unfailingly costs lives every time. But let me guess, “iT hAsn’t BeEn tRieD yEt”
I’m sorry you live in an unfinished basement but that doesn’t make you an authority on economics