Wow, you’re pathetic
Wow, you’re pathetic
Good, fuck billionaires jamming their dick into local politics
Good fuck china, fuck tencent and fuck you for defending them you shit sucking douchebag
As by an idiot
It’s from Dragon Ball Z, you fucking dumbass
Laws are there for a reason dumbass
Are you trolling or do you really believe that?
Brown grabbed a cops gun and was shot inside the cruiser, he was a dumbass who deserved it
Oh my god, can please stop huffing your own farts?
Get off your high horse boomer
Whypipo have been far gentler to your ancestors than your “brotha’s” have ever been.
Mike, stop
Because there’s no way anyone could have a legitimate viewpoint other than one that mirrors yours
tl:dr, jerk off somewhere else
Get over yourself
So losers like you can turn around and waste time and money suing them. I hate pigs but you’re just retarded
Are you really this dumb or just really high?
LOL sure whatever lib
She had a firebomb in her hand