
I would love to see a feature length, serious, adult horror film in this kind of animation.

I can't remember what prompted me to read it, but I read a book by a Christian apologetics/astronomy guy named Hugh Ross, who wrote about the massive scale of the universe (He wasn't a young earth guy at all). And that led me into some Neil Tyson videos and then Sagan, Dawkins and all that. And here I am, caring

I really despise most Anime music. But the opening theme to the first season of Gunslinger Girl is really great.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I really loved the Watchmen movie, and I'm not usually into Zach Snyder stuff.

Wow. That was incredibly disturbing and extremely well done. Thanks for sharing this video!

I think All of Season 1 and the first 3 episodes and last episode of Season 2 are perfect.

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I bet this will be neat, but I really wish horror movie trailers were more interesting. Remember the fantastic trailers for The Shining and Alien?

I liked Coraline, but when I saw the trailer for ParaNorman, it didn't interest me at all (even though I am typically a sucker for Stop Motion). But I just watched it this last weekend on Netflix on a whim and I absolutely loved it. Really incredible sets and even has a better tone and pace than I think Coraline had.

But do you find that those voices are reading in real time, or does it happen faster than you'd be able to speak it?

Looks like an absolute nightmare.

I have a question for everyone. When you read to yourself (in your head), do you hear your own voice, or even a character voice reading each word in real time, or do you simply ingest the words as information without having to hear a voice read every word in real time? Or something else?

Yeah, I'm the worst sometimes.

Del Toro seems to be full of empty promises (cancelled projects).

This music sounds an awful lot like Jonny Greenwood.

This is why FPS games often seem gimmicky to me.

I've struggled with dyslexia for most of my life and I found comics to be very helpful.

This looks great, but Kubrick already has an heir; Paul Thomas Anderson.

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Weird. As I was reading the article heading, I was listening to 'Kiss Me' by Tom Waits.

When I was little, I assumed Middle Earth was the inside layer of normal Earth. My parents were quick to shit on that idea.

I haven't watched this debate, but I have watched countless others, and they all added up to me eventually changing my mind on the issue. Or at least they helped.