
As much as I dislike the font, it's the only familiar looking font I can find for making comics. Everything else makes it not feel like a comic.

Lets get ourselves to Europa, like yesterday!

These are awesome. I have always wanted to get into sculping of some sort so I could have 3d figures of my drawings.

What a wildly offensive creature.

Man. Seeing Jupiter from Europa's surface sounds like it would be amazing.

Maybe a little TOO Dope.

I love the inspiration behind it, but this looks kinda... 80's?

This is a really dope idea. Good work, person who made these.

I wish they would actually demo the MS-20 instead of just playing techno and zooming in and out of it.


I think it's on VOD by now, right?

Is it too much to ask to put a quarter next to the squid to get an idea of how big it actually is?

Me too, and Yes!

I have a hard time understanding how records work.

This looks all kinds of dope. Can't wait.

I love the O.G. Alien, but it's not the perfect movie everyone builds it up in their minds to be. For it's time, maybe it was. I found Prometheus to be very enjoyable, mostly due to the visuals, sure, but I don't watch the Alien movies for the plot alone.

Whoever made this movie has the worst imagination ever. Who reads Tolkien and pictures stuff like this?

I worked with a guy who contstantly listened to crap like this. It's worse than Jock Jams.

Glad to see the 90's are alive and well. So extreme... I mean, Xtreme.

Lame. I really liked Rise.