
Although I would say the majority of Christians beleive in a young earth and reject things like the Big Bang, there are plenty of us who don't.

This looks great. But I often wonder if the same 5 people do all the english voice overs for nearly all the anime I watch. The voices are almost always the exect same.

Howl's Moving Castle is actually my favorite, next to Spirited Away

Yeah. The dialogue was a bit pointless most of the time. It didn't bother me too much though.


Just because something is stylish, doesn't mean it's hipster. I agree it's not an 'amazing' game. But it is good, and above average as far as indie games go. I would be proud of it if I had made it.

Is it weird that I want this in my house?

This sounds similar to Ghost Trick, which I loved. Can anyone suggest more good games like these?

It's more about job security than art for a lot of Hollywood. But we get a few gems now and then. And they are all the more special when surrounded by recycled crap movies.

Very well put. I would love to see more humility from both religious and non religious folks. I think it's important to be open to being proven wrong.

You call THIS 'wizzing'?! (Obscure MST3K reference. First thing to pop in my head. Sorry.)

It is pretty, but sepia tones are the most over used tones now days. Maybe not so much in comics, but still. This is a nice alternative to black and white though.

Ducks don't get wet. Wets get ducked.

Netflix is an endless treasure chest of terrible B movie horror films. And that's why I love Netlfix more than anyone I know.

Good thing it's not huge.

Those are some beautiful illustrations. I'm not into vampire stuff at all, but I'd give this a read. Hopefully the writing is as good as the art. Usually, you get good art, or good writing. Finding both can be difficult.

Man. I wish there were more games like Ghost Trick. One of my all time favorites.

The 7th Guest is also on iOS. It's good, cheesey, old school fun.

You guys! It looks like there is a little man running in the middle of the Nebula. You're welcome!

Oh goodness. I was glad I saw this before I saw that episode of Community. It made it that much more funny/creepy.