
Its worth playing on your tv. It's also an entertaining game to watch if you play it with some people. Each episode took me about an hour and a half to 2 hours the first time through.

Just looked up Noise. You are right. It's inspiring how good it looks. Thanks!

I would much prefer HBO doing a mini series on this instead of a movie. It's the only way I could see it being properly done. Seeing how great Game of Thrones has turned out, and with all these fanatasy shows like Grimm being on, I think this is a perfect time for Sandman to be picked up as a mini series. We are

Couldn't agree with you more. Portal was a rare exception where it was awesome even though it was FPS.

He himself is really into doing characters of himself. This is one of many you see in interviews and hear in his music.

He's a wonderful artist in multiple ways. One of my favorites.

These should all be in a gallery... In my house I mean.

I always thought it was was weird that Community is supposed to be in colorado, but there are always palm trees in the background. We don't have palm trees.

I wish there was much more of it to watch. Have you ever checked out Garth Marenghi's Darkplace? Also brilliant.

I'm one of these Christians who is at least skeptical of Hell being what it is typically thought of (eternal punishment). Though I haven't come to any hard conclusion about it, I don't find any good scriptural evidence for it when looking at the context of each verse using the word hell or referencing something we

Yes, yes and yes. Me too.

I really could not be more excited about this movie. P.T. Anderson is quickly becoming my favorite living director.

My thoughts exactly. This could be something special.

Plus, I always thought protal would be interesting from a third person perspective.

Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead composed a classical piece that he was inspired to create after listening to radio static. It's called Smear if I remember correctly.

It's a little redundant. A videogame based off a videogame. But I would support it.

Haha. I totally fell asleep for that one too. It was quite the letdown.

Man. This looks crazy. I loved House of the Devil by Ti West. I have hi hopes for this not sucking.

Whatever happened to homestar?

Nice. I have a shirt with this on it.