
All kinds of beautiful. I wonder why they didn't show people using it. Maybe it doesn't play so well?

Yeah, that's a hard movie to watch when one is trying to eat pizza rolls and not vomit.

One of the only guys who I think shares some Kubrick style is Paul Thomas Anderson, mostly in There Will Be Blood. I don't think we are going to be seeing another 2001 with Enders Game, but at least this guy has good taste.

I think the same thing when I see mummies at the museum. It weirds me out more than anything. I wouldn't say it is necessarily a bad thing though.

I am very excited about it. Especially if they have some under developed areas like in San Andreas. I think from what they did with Red Dead, those wilderness spots will be a lot more interesting/awesome to explore.

Beer flavored water and Space shouldn't go together. One is clearly too awesome for association.

Fart jokes...I like your style. You have my sword.

Well this makes my heart hurt a little. If anyone needs me, I will be in the corner writing emo poems about this...

Can you name a few? I'd be interested in checking them out if I haven't already.

Comcast was initially not supporting HBO GO on the xbox, but a few weeks later I checked and it was there. Maybe Time Warner will do the same if they haven't already.

Trailer looks good. But PG-13 Horror flicks are usually awful. Not because I want a bunch of Gore, but because they usually have 13 year olds in mind for their target audience.

This is such a good idea. I feel like we should have lots of random, large sculptures randomly placed in nature. It just makes the world look cooler. Then in a 100 years it will be taken over by plant life, and simply become part of the scenery. Awesome.

This is why Iceland is my favorite country. It's like Middle Earth over there (I assume).

I know, right? I watched season one of GoT right before season two aired. And most of the major moments were already ruined by io9 and Giz posting spoiler pictures all the time. You didn't even have to read the article or heading, just the pictures spoiled so many moments. I have the same problem with Entertainment

Very much so. Sounds like my cup of tea.

I never pre order. I am always able to walk into a wal mart the day of release for a big game, and they have plenty in stock.

I should move to Japan. I had a snaggle tooth that I am in the long process of fixing now.

This guy wins... The competition of life.

I test drove one of those once. It's actually super spacious inside. But obviously, there isn't much room other than the 2 seats.

True. Looks dope none the less.