
Is it possible he didn’t say “Jenkins” because of some sort of copyright?

WTF? Baltimore? Joking?


My jaw dropped further when Ramsey had the dogs eat his brother and step mom. That was narsty.

have they ever not done this?

Doesn’t this happen in Europe/ Australia relatively frequently. “Man/woman walks into store, sees game that isn’t out yet, buys it, plays it”

Its interesting that they would release this before all their DLC is out. They must be pretty confident that it’s worth the price... or everyone’s already bought the seasons pass. Either way, cool.

dum duh dum dum dumb.

If everyone is saying this, I apparently don’t know anyone.

Combining the assembly of IKEA furniture and VR controls might be the most awful thing i can imagine.

Notorious, sure, but it’s my favorite Halo level of all time. The first time i played it my mind was blown. what a rush.

holy crap. You did it again. There’s something wrong with your brain. “But actual parents are here to tell you that talking it out with your child, never admonishing bad behavior, only positive reinforcing good ones, isn’t the answer.” SURELY YOU MUST NOT BELIEVE THE ONLY WAY TO ADMONISH BAD BEHAVIOR IS TO HIT YOUR

are you serious or just trying to get a rise out of me?

I am being condescending. You strike me as the kind of person who likes chiropractors despite the fact that they have been scientifically debunked as complete frauds. There is scientific study into the harm physical punishment does to children. The Southern American view of parenting is as backwards as their view on

I read the Atlantic article posted at the bottom, and in that the author calls for these moments of praise even during a melt down when they’re having a “good melt down.” I agree with everything you said above, I just don’t think we understood the article the same way.

Wow. Again: SURELY YOU MUST NOT BELIEVE VOILENCE IS THE ONLY PUNISHMENT. And, no, not everything in moderation, that applies to FOOD, not voilence.

haha. You must fly a lot or drink a lot. or both. Good on ya.

How did you know about Natalie Portman??!?

Surely you must not believe that is the only way to “shocking them into realizing something is bad.” If you are a normally calm and respectful person, then I find a quick change of tone and demeanor leads to the same outcome without showing violence is ever the answer.

Clearly you have no desire to actually learn anything and are just going to do what you think is correct if you still think spanking is a useful tool. You’re from the South, huh?