
Plus, they had the good sense to hire Richard Lawson to write for them.

Yeah, that’s not what it’s doing. How does that even work? “Let’s make it harder to play as a black character, because white privilege is stupid and fake, and that’s how parody works, right?”

Would’ve been funnier if the conversation with the pearl-clutching beat “reporter” didn’t go like this:

“Ahhh, just one more thing... Trump has cancelled Social Security.”

They must know my friends Glock Bugatti, Tommy G. Dodge, and Colt Cadillac.

If you think that’s bad, you should see the hell Mr. Kalashnikov Fiat, a simple Algerian tailor with early 90s e-commerce aspirations has gone through.

Psst, the constitution is real bad and was never good.

Gawd do I miss him.

“My hope is that somehow, someway, Barack Obama can get a fake mustache and a long goatee and run in the 202o election as “Flarack Flobama,” a distant relative of Barack and restore order to this broken nation.”

I’d wear a shirt with Cher’s new catchphrase “Keep Your Eyes Open Bitch” emblazoned across my chest.


Mocking ICP is one thing I love so much. Still I will admit I will always have a soft spot for The Great Milenko. It’s a great album. It’s hard to not smile when you listen. Hocus Pocus is still in my playlist.

The quoted song does have an admittedly funny moment in “He’ll eat Monopoly and shit out Connect Four”, followed by them arguing over how stupid that line is. The song as a whole is grating and repetitive (shocking, innit?), but I did always like that bit.

The Juggalos are like the Wildings in our current real-life GOT scenario.

After reading his brief statement, Sessions declined to take questions.

How great would it be if the first letter of each paragraph spelled out F-U-C-K-Y-O-U?

  • The Xenomorph has 2 brains - one that will always know where you are, and one that controls the body and is given hints by the first brain.

Yeah that annoys me. Abrams has a terrible habit of equating “ridiculously big” to being scary. I was hoping with his film done we’d see less of this. I mean how does the First Order have the resources for something like this? Aren’t they a fraction as large as the Empire?

She’s got the Innsmouth Look.