
Thank you! Glad there are 2 of us. Do they realize they’re watching a show about dragons and 100 year winters???

All of the obsessed questions about chains is absurd to me.

I’m willing to accept that a giant army of the dead has tools. I don’t need to see every single tool get an origin story. People obsessing over the chains have become to pedantic for their own good.

He has had to referred to MLK as that for FUCKING YEARS. That was not an accidental slip, that’s his go-to joke with his racist drinkin buddies.

When reached for comment, a spokesman from the N.C.O.W.P.W.D.H.A.R.B.I.T.B (National Coalition Of White People Who Don’t Have A Racist Bone In Their Body) said;

Even if it isn’t about racism (it totally is) it is still a symbol of treason and war against America. It is a terrorist symbol, a racist terrorist symbol for traitors.

2 points, if I may:

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

Chewbacca: Rraarrrarr

Ah, I see what you did there.

The initial animosity between Han and Lando in Unnamed Han Solo Movie will go away when they realize both of their mothers are named Kira.

your inability to understand the words he is using stems mostly from the fact that, when you consider the basis of the language he is using, and he is using language, never doubt it, it’s designed to inform the most basic of the tenets of what we as a people, a united people, on all sides, wish to be known for and as,

I’m not waiting for permission... I say its time for our commenters to crack each others’ heads open and feast on the goo inside.

For Audi, VIN stands for Vehicles w/ Identical Numbers