
The department is known to surreptitiously collect DNA from children for entry into a city database, and (just to note) I assume it wouldn’t be too difficult to lift fingerprints from a PlayStation or Xbox pad.

Good night sweet Vita (if true).

This is gross (the FBI).

No Weekend? No Priscilla?

I could see this movie being a powerful critique of the ‘born sexy yesterday’ trope, or being a gross trainwreck... that’s so Yorgos!

This game is deeply underrated. Yeah the world map doesn’t look as good and the story structure is arguably better in 1, but 2 has the better combat, more interesting mechanics, and has town-building (which rules). It also stops holding your hand after the 2 hour mark vs the first game where even at the last town

Give us a new Bushido Blade, cowards


The LG G3 was the first phone I ever owned that didn’t have an enormous bezel- I loved that big guy!

This really seemed up my alley and I couldn’t get into it, any tips?  I felt like I was just mashing triggers in the ‘combat’ and the objectives I could see were all for enemies that seemed way more powerful than me.  I was sure I was missing something.  Is grinding weak enemies required? Help me like it as much as

Mike Tyson has a grill?  Do you mean George Foreman? Dude.

He’s still just the poorman’s Kyle Chandler to me.

The PS5 Digital Edition actually... exists? And a person owns one??

This seems like it would be extraordinary on handheld.  Any plans announced for console versions?

What are the odds this “stablity improvement” is anything other than some kind of hack-prevention measure?

Y’know I wonder... maybe the sheer ELEMENTAL STORYTELLING-ness of Star Wars makes it so these dopes can project basically any self-fulfilling prophecy/hero narrative they want onto it.  I’d have to ask Joseph Campbell...

That’s so weird I just saw Jame Gumb die horribly trying to stop a daring daylight bank robbery with automatic weapons!

wtf is Starz lol

All power to ‘em/I hope it’s good but this has areal SNL-movies-in-the-90s vibe of “let’s put two comically annoying people into whatever plot and hope somebody wants to see that”.

Oh the heady days of Al Pacino’s Baby...