
Really enjoyed this content from Stu and his friend Default Human.

That is awesome, but somebody please fix the aspect ratio on Mario All-Stars! FOR THE CHILDREN.

I too would like his name and address for... no reason.

Winona Ryder’s non-stop manic mugging is really undercutting dude’s speech.

A mushroom for his mushroom, if you will.

You’re disgusting. Never change.

Tim when is coming back??!1?

Are there spoilers for Kingsmen 2? I still wanna see it...

The best wife is Harvey obviously. WTF.

This is my Vita life for the past two years. Hellooo finally playing Nuclear Throne, Don’t Starve, Risk of Rain, (re-play) Fez, and then also newer stuff I could’ve gotten on PC for nothing and then ignored like Darkest Dungeon and Child of Light.

Uh-huh. Totally.

What is the white guy in the middle of the video doing holding his hands up? Is it a salute? Is he preventing punches from raining down the ‘comedian’ in question? Is he trying to get in his face?

Yeah! Case in point: Ghostbusters.

I listened to the title track, lemme help you out: it sucks.

There were very fine planets on BOTH sides of the asteroid belt.

By the time I considered myself ‘done’ with DR2, I had an excel sheet with every survivor sorted by when (and where) they appear and it’s entirely doable to save them all in between story missions, and only occasionally having to bring a few people (or groups of people) at once. I felt like Bill Murray on the last

You’re right.

I didn’t think that Risa trick would work a second time, but you proved me wrong!


And now, only Taco Bell remains.