
you are a scholar and a gentleperson.

Are you intending to show that these blog posts by Blovis DON’T exist?

But is this the actual up to date NEW Game Maker or last year’s model?

But is this the actual up to date NEW Game Maker or last year’s model?

Everyone post your favorite Mooch-related tweet?

“Mr. Chambers, don’t get on that ship! The rest of the book To Serve Man, it’s... it’s a cookbook!”

“This sounds like the kind of thing that Robert De Niro’s character would say to someone in Goodfellas right before they got whacked.”

Sears going under is going to be a DISASTER. Forget 140,000 suddenly looking for jobs, there’s probably that many or more going to lose their pensions, and they sure as shit aren’t going to be able to go back to work.

The dogs have to interact with humans. When dragons are in the sky they look great, but as soon as Dany gets on one the illusion really breaks down.

You’ve made that perfectly clear.

The first time I was ever called the N-word (elliptically, but both behind my back and to my face) was at Scout Camp.

Victoria’s Secret.

whoa never expected an Anno comparison. suddenly this is on my radar!

Rick gets a friend from outer space that only he can see!

It’s almost like... this would be a dumb thing to do!

Love The Nib, love it. I highly recommend subscribing, it’s a daily pick-me-up for me.

How is it remotely fucking possible that the IRS isn’t *REQUIRED* to turn over the tax returns of every currently serving public official??

I think we need to double-down on the beta male rhetoric re: Trump. He’s a chocolate cake and ice cream hoarding cheeseball, not a tough guy. He’s a pageant judge. And I can’t think of anything him or his moronic fans/voters would take as a more grievous insult.

Do tell!!! I love a good nerdy breakup.

But the *show* answers 1) with ‘Damn Jon, you were so rad beating up the Boltons and losing all your men.’ and 2) with ‘Damn Tyrion, I’ve got a good feeling about you despite spending no time together!’.

I feel like it will be Robin Arryn who will be her ace, one way or another.