
Any chance we can see the exterior lid without a Macbook on top of it?

What, no Xperia Play?

That's a Quintet title, no?

Two years ago, I bought a lovely ultrabook 2-in-1 to handle basic browsing/media stuff and the light, lightest of games. Then my desktop died. Now I want to be able to play ‘real’ games (not ultra-performance action games, but stuff that definitely need dedicated graphics, think Anno 2205 or Civ 6 or New Vegas)

“We’ve added over 9 million active users with zero followers, no avatar picture, and one abusive post directed at Leslie Jones.”

100%. With the GOPs in control of LITERALLY EVERYTHING (SCOTUS TBD), they write the narrative.

This fucking guy.

How can it *only* be 7% less Mexican people interested in going to the U.S.?? I live in Canada and I don’t want to risk going there (anymore).

But we already know from Demolition Man that Taco Bell won the franchise wars.

Ruh-rawr, just realized there was a new Flop House!

The Big Easy sex scene linked above (which is ALREADY now no longer available) is one of the most deliriously SESHUAL movie sex scenes of all time despite containing absolutely no nudity. Essential viewing.

Yeah, it's the adding of checkboxes to the filler that is maybe the problem?

I clicked for this reason alone.

“Hey guys... what’s up?” -Are we supposed to answer that?

Whoever cast that dude as Drax is a fucking genius. He’s SO good.

How is it remotely possible that Mel Gibson still sits three rows from the front??

It should also be noted the head writer for the new series will be Elliott Kalan, former head writer of the Daily Show (during the last stretch of the John Stewart period) and co-host of the Flop House, an excellent bad-movie-riffing podcast (and all huge MST3K fans). I have high hopes this will be excellent and true

Came here to post this too, there can’t be any world-rotating discussion that doesn’t at least mention Fez.

I made a friend in Journey without ever once talking to or meeting them. Sometime during launch week (on PS3), I had a day off and sat down to start the game, and in the second level I had a little robed friend pop in and they peeped and chirped me to where I needed to go. We went through the next several levels

Great article! I can’t help but roll my eyes whenever I read comments about this game that go some variation of: ‘Well I would love to play this but it has a timer so NO WAY MAAANNNN.’