Of course I can still travel to Cuba, I’m Canadian.
Of course I can still travel to Cuba, I’m Canadian.
There seems to be a lot of conjecture that this can’t support a heavy tv. However, modern TVs weight less than 40-50 lbs and you have eight or more nails holding the bracket. That means each nail only has to support about 5-6 lbs.
There seems to be a lot of conjecture that this can’t support a heavy tv. However, modern TVs weight less than 40-50…
It’s people who are registered not those who voted.
Right Wing talking heads to blame the situation on the “Deep State” in 3...2...
I’m surprised that so many people seem to be unable to cope with the fact that Microsoft is not targeting the average consumer.
This is wonderful. This is how a civilized government should work to ensure the public trust.
“Case closed, justice has been served. Let’s not look back at things that can’t be changed and focus on the future instead.”
This is her at the hearings for the eighth (!!) Benghazi hearing. This is the person I want sitting across from Putin. She’s thinking Is that all you’ve got?
While I agree with your point, I cannot agree with the characterization of Travelocity Gnome. He is obviously the Evil Keebler Elf.
This fucking Travelocity Gnome needs to be strung up by his short’n curlies. What’s with this “ I can’t recall” bullshit? When they grilled Hillary for HOURS she never took the ‘who me?’ route like this pocket sized motherfucker is using. Inexcusable.
Hey, Attorney General Fainting Couch! You know a way to rebuke “secrets” and “innuendo”?
Goddamn, she’s a good lawyer. And it’s fucking obvious that he’s lying. He’s fucking talking too much.
She kicked ass in the Comey session too.
OK, new rule: any sitting government official who answers ‘I can’t recall’ to any question about critical meetings they had under 6 months ago they had should be removed from office, because they are either a liar or have mental issues that disqualify them.
I was going to ask, did he grow like a foot since the election?
Call me ;-)
batter orgasm
Dr. Elders is still my heroine.
Now see, this would be a presidential rallying call that I can firmly get behind.