
goddamn you beat me to it. i can’t believe they’re still around.

Well to be completely fair a fucking high school drama is better than a high school fucking drama.

The hype is real. Please have more ridiculous flying machines we get to destroy and/or pilot.

Went and dropped for that. I can always cancel so this is a steal.

Darkhorse is doing preorders for $100 but Amazon is doing it for $60?

That pose is so magical-girl.

When she looks at him like “This dude fucking serious?” lol

I figured as much. Thought I’d give the benefit of the doubt.

Dead Space? There is a Dead Space 3, it just wasn’t as great as DS2.


I considered getting the DJMax Tehcnika cab. It’s also $10,000. But then it came out on Vita and I was like “Y’know, cost-effectiveness is a thing”.

Objectively that particular fidget cube is shit and sucks to play with. I actually get more frustrated playing with it than I do feel satisfied.

Objectively that particular fidget cube is shit and sucks to play with. I actually get more frustrated playing with

I honestly don’t know how I feel about her having a bandanna and a headset on at the same time.

Excellently written article. Great start to my Tuesday.

Very solid argument, I couldn’t find any flaws.


I figured from the headline that he didn’t want females to always represent villains in a movie because girls really aren’t all that bad (they just have cooties).

I think that’s how boycott works.

Fuck* da scalpers.

I legit thought this was sarcasm and was assuming you were gonna buy the game anyway.