
That charger tail light “pattern” is very much printed on that mesh. Which is why you don’t see them illuminated in any of these images.

Glad i’m not the only one... 

which is why I perennially use a steering wheel cover on all my cars forever and ever... amen.


So there is a mint Tundra with minor cosmetic damage about to hit the used market? Jalopnik rejoice!!

Hate to burst your bubble but the cx-5 doesn’t have the turbo engine option. At least not yet. You must be thinking of the cx-9 which only comes with the turbo engine.

Hey tom, I’m curious... do you think this applies the Wrangler as well? I know this is not a niche vehicle anymore but given its crazy popularity. I’d assume dealers would be less willing to deal with a nit picking customer and just wait for the next sucker to come by and pick one up. Thoughts?

Could Mazda be suffering due to not having a halo car as they’ve had in the past? I mean, how can they still lay claim to zoom-zoom with out a “speed” or “RX” vehicle in their line up?

Thats mostly due Mazda using Ford parts & suppliers back then...

something something so&so’s comment was better...

The iphone X case will not fit the XS. Small gripe but important to note if you spend money on a X case with the presumption that it’ll fit the XS.

Is anyone at Gizmodo going to address the fact that the X & XS have different camera profiles thus creating proprietary cases for each? Would make for a good PSA piece.

Is anyone at Gizmodo going to address the fact that the X & XS cameras are in a different position therefore making phone cases proprietary for each? Might be a good PSA to write about.

I’m so glad someone is still integrating real exhaust tips... Looking at you Audi!!


Why is the world would I choose this over a Rubicon which could be easily had for about 10k less (with less comfort options admittedly)? Do these special edition Wrangles hold their value any better than normal editions?

hmmm... interesting point. From my brief research (I’m in LA so I have about 20 FCA dealers in arms reach), I’ve have encountered a pretty wide range in advertised prices for similarly equipped Wranglers so you could be on to something. Of course this is in no a way a blanket statement and totally anecdotal but hot

ahhh... got it. I’ll be looking to pick up a Rubicon soon for my wife and was curious if the Wrangler fell under the “specialty vehicle” status. Glad to hear the supply and demand gods are on my side of the scale.

Speaking of Markups, are you seeing any on Wrangler JL’s?

Tom, Any advise on buying a new Wrangler JL? Do you think its worth waiting a year or so to wait for demand on the new JL to go down?