
"Now if we could only get Snoopy, Pingu, Mickey Mouse and Sephiroth in the same game."

god with all these sales, you would think everyone in japan has a psp and a ds @_@

Well I'm glad kirby isn't so pissed all the time =] I was starting to get worried lol

ooo I like all of them! But I like the 1st one the best <3

man... I liked the name Afrika =[ It was cool cause it was like Africa... but wasn't :P

cool idea and music and all... but I just despise top view games :X

That first quote has got the be the weirdest/creepiest analogy I have ever heard o.o

Well duh it didnt sell well, didn't the game come out like a year ago? Plus anyone who wanted the game already got it on the ps2 =P

Oh noes, game reviewers have to play the games they review longer?!?!? That's like torture! :O

sheesh people its not like they take a picture of your face and make you into a fat avatar *rolls eyes* people are too sensitive sometimes

hmmm I didn't know that Disney was doing so well... interesting

I love in the second video how the guy shoves a cord up his ass and then begins to rape it =P very freaky lol

Actions speak louder than words.... Nintendo >.>

Well, I guess I didn't make it into the closed beta =[

I LOVE the title :D it makes me lol

hooray for witty comments :D they bring me such joy <3

I understood most of the big words :D I'M SMART!