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    @ZenInsight: There was side-boobs, I think. I guess that counts =)

    @Shrewsbury: =D Someone would probably argue T3 wasn't actually made by Cameron, but I know what you mean. Ok, personally I think T3 was a great "workaround" to "prove" why we didn't experience that nuclear holocaust 1997.

    @Shrewsbury: You did not just say something bad about Aliens and Terminator 2???

    @pixelpushing: If you're putting it out there you can perhaps tell us why Apple's proprietary bullshit is any better? OR Apple's ignorance towards other companies terms and conditions?

    @somethinghead: You don't make any sense. The fact that low price models get old firmware has never changed, and will never change.

    @MagicTrackpad: I guess the morale is: buy proper ear buds, then you'll hear a difference ;-)

    @meatbag_pussrocket: you may be wrong. otherwise those Samsung WP7 and LG WP7 leaked images has a really weird looking battery lid with a lot of small buttons on them.

    @somethinghead: So, just because there are low-budget phones out there, which you really shouldn't expect the manufacturer to update any more than a non-android low-budget phone considering what the customer is paying for it, you think that the Iphone is updating faster?

    @NanorH: And don't get me wrong. But Rome wasn't built in one day. I think them guys at Google has done a pretty swell job considering almost no one actually considered Android a proper contender even a year ago.

    @NathanielSpace: $400 for a 7" Super AMOLED screen. If that'll happen even I would waste the money on a slate toy.

    @crazypills77: How many functions do you use in your mobile on a day-to-day basis? It's to make life easier for you, not a replacement for everything you've been doing up to this date.

    @NanorH: Didn't they say the same about Android 1½ yrs ago? Now Android is outselling iPhone.

    @sam4sb: Because, according to the fiction, a ruler of the world usually is a dictator? ...and the rest I hope you're capable to figure out yourself.

    @sam4sb: One of few great outcomes if Goolge would be rulers of the world in 10 years, is that we won't have to listen to morrons like you.

    @potato221: Don't trust me, look it up instead. It seems like ranova believe 2GB Flash is faster than 8 or 16 GB. Hence the comment. The only way to make similarly rated flash memory faster is to add a RAID-like controller. And then you have SSD. Which is unfortunately still a bit expensive for a mobile phone.

    @Jimmy1: It takes a narrow minded wise-ass to call one of the most expensive and most technologically advanced movies ever a B-movie.

    @ranova: Flash is NAND.

    @Pahoo: Uh, so. You want to be able to put a lot of top secret information on to a mobile, which you'll later forget at the pub... I don't think that's a very thought through idea. And 48GB, that's roughly 10.000 5MB manuals. When were you planning to read all of them? =)