I’ll defend it! The more PC we become, the quicker i’ll have to call the mail-man, a person-person.
Thank you for writing this. This needs more coverage. Telling someone with binge eating disorder to “just stop eating so much, and exercise some self control” is like telling someone with OCD to stop washing their hands so much.
Also, the Tsar Bomba, largest detonated h-bomb ever, at 50 megatons, is enough to essentially destroy everything on the main island of Hawaii.
Can confirm that Glacier National Park looks amazing at the beginning of October.
I wouldn’t recommend eating a vegan. They’re high in refined carbs and low in B vitamins
Back in my exhaust days, I had 3 tickets issued. I fought all of them (without a lawyer, just with simple court fee and the legal aid rep that was there) and never had to pay a fine. If you have the time, it doesn’t hurt to try.
What was even worse when watching the entire video, is the officer flew off the handle by what was said by the supervisor on the phone, not by what the nurse said. He took his aggression out on her, for what someone else said. That’s fucked up.
This was my thinking the entire time too. Or at least what I was hoping.
This is an extremely important article. After having kids, I didn’t need surgery to stop the reproductive process. Just a few crazy overactive flailing kids took care of that just fine.
That deal is dope, yo.
The only thing more stupid than the trumps, is this “journalism”.
Diablo 2 instead of Diablo 3, and Ultima 7 instead of Ultima 8, then it’s all good.
Thank goodness none of them were in Mad Max. I wouldn’t mind seeing more Amy Adams in movies though.
Yes, she’s pregnant with an incest dwarf baby, and will die in childbirth, making her death quite ironic.
Do the emergency personnel rescuing people like him get any national awards of note?
It stands for “Arg! We found a way to put in Taylor Swift article #36521 of the day on a gaming site because click-bait moneys!”