
Exactly. Sounds just like your standard baby food jars to me, just minus the processed sugars.

Yet we’re totally cool with baby formulas packed with sugar. Got it.

“About 7:45 am on Sunday two men, William Caston, 18, and Dez Bell, 19" 

People don’t watch Initial D because it’s anime. They watch it because it’s Initial D.

Whenever I read these articles and think of my daughter, I feel massive fear and anxiety. I’m hoping that’s actually a good normal thing.

Everyone there appears to be very intelligent.

More importantly, they cut out the scene where Jon sees Ghost again!!

You know what’s idiotic? This site that gets its click-bait from fear-based “if it bleeds, it leads” news. Of course they’ll shame people for trying to spread love and tolerance. That makes much less money.

Let’s teach and remember, but let’s not celebrate.


“Hang in there.”

They tracked her using her shellphone.

Sorry we have no gold stars for you here, only blue ones.

If they didn’t do spectacular things, there wouldn’t be a show about them!

I haven’t cried like that since Optimist Prime died.

In the very first few minutes of the very first episode, they had zombies. So I never watched it again after that, cuz zombies don’t make sense.... LOL just kidding, of course I watched it because who gives a shit!

I just hold my kids upside-down with their head in the bowl to get over the fear faster. I also find it speeds the adaption process if I yell “NOTHING ESCAPES THE POOP-VORTEX OF DEATH!”