92 to 95. 96 was a new gen. Can narrow it down further because I believe sunroof and third brake light on the coupe was only availble in 94 and 95.
92 to 95. 96 was a new gen. Can narrow it down further because I believe sunroof and third brake light on the coupe was only availble in 94 and 95.
They sure have come a long way since the first movie where a random redneck truck driver took out their entire team.
Survivor is still a thing? Also, i’m not shocked by the world’s reaction that a transgender should be treated as a special snowflake that should be immune to being voted off.
What I’M trying to understand, is HOW those two kids in the picture are playing Mario at the same time.
“fluids were leaking from everywhere possible. It’s an old British car so this was a completely expected finding”
lol you mad bro
Prove to me he didn’t swerve to hit him. If it’s black and white, then why is there so much debate? Because it’s not. This is why we have courts to decide these things, because random internet commentor 639573 opinion doesn’t count for shit
If the semi swerves to hit you, then it’s his fault. Stop trying to make this a black and white thing.
lesson here, learn to read
Not to mention been on the market for years. If I didn’t read Jalop, I’d have never known wtf a Bolt is.
I was with you until you said the bolt is far superior in every way. That said, I’d still pick the Bolt.
I should apologize, as that post came out a little more asshole-ish than I intended. Because as a side note, I agree that the country needs to pay more attention to emergency and public service jobs in regards to pay (i’m volunteer Search and Rescue myself, so I get it). But I also think that is a separate argument…
“I work on an ambulance and have been an EMT since the 80's”
Actually it’s you who doesn’t get it. The “poor” (because of financial welfare/food/health programs that kick in below a minimum earnings threshold) actually have MORE disposable income on average than those earning up to $60k (and we haven’t even TOUCHED the fact that the “poor” in the US are considered middle class…
The graph serves only as an example of how an index works. You don’t invest in one index, you spread as well as add the bond market to decrease volatility (this is mickey mouse investing, and taking about 15 mins to read up on index investing would have taught anyone this). When you retire, you re-balance your…
Yep! And if people would just budget properly, in your story’s case less than $50 a month into savings ($400 a year), then they wouldn’t be upset at repairs, because they prepared ahead of time.
Being poor is not the problem. Being poor and buying shit you can’t afford is the problem.
This is an excuse, but not a good one. If you have low wages, buy a low wage car, and budget it monthly savings for large repairs down the road. You don’t buy a giant house if you can’t afford the upkeep either.