Considering cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer in the world right now, it killed a LOT of people already.
Considering cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer in the world right now, it killed a LOT of people already.
Right because i’m sure the way she was treating the cops in the first place, if they had physically subdued her, she would respond by saying they were completely compliant and did it in a professional manor, rather than use the media frenzy these days to her advantage and say she was assaulted. Drive stun means pain…
Use your brain. Using a taser in drive stun mode causes pain with no bodily harm. 2 large grown men subduing a 12 year old, even when careful, can cause bodily harm. NEWS FLASH: Cops did their job right.
...said no one ever who has kids...
Also, I prefer to keep my kids off of the actual street if possible, since everyone speeds and drives like an idiot in our neighborhood.
Passenger aircraft have become very plane.
Define “losing”. An old budget, bottom of the bargain bucket, FX-8320E with some mild OCing on stock air will still run anything at the moment at 60FPS@1080p when paired with the right GPU. AMD knows where to hit the market. They’re not going to spend 95% of their R&D on 5% of market space. Where they hit it right,…
There also needs to be a balance. When the medical team needs to get the baby out ASAP because of a neck wrapped umbilical, or meconium in the uterus, then bedside manner is not high on the priority list. Otherwise anyone can call foul when they feel embarrassed or uncomfortable for things that might not call for it.
This is my weakness too. If I want to eat well, I either have to spend extra time preparing, or spend extra money on quality eateries. A crock-pot helped a lot.
While I agree with you, drivers ed also doesn’t say “if you see someone trying to merge with their signal, floor it so they have no more room”. That’s an emotional reaction, and complete opposite of what would be taught in a defensive driving course, which would also suggest the other driver stay off the road in the…
It’s a shame what’s going on in Sweden right now.
Where are you doing 200mph?
It’s limited free2play now!
I think a lot wouldn’t agree. Where do you draw the line? Is a girl in glasses holding a Nintendo controller, a “geek girl”? At what point do you say, that’s someone wearing a mario hat. Or that’s someone who did their make-up different today. Cosplay used to be about saying “Wow, that’s super creative. They must have…
And even if that front grill was solid, I still think it would look awesome. Fight me!
I do the smartphone reading now. I know some people prefer (a lot?) a real book, and I do too, but it’s just never ideal to carry them around all the time. Now I have one on me all the time like you said. Once I started putting them on my phone I quadrupled my reading time (especially on the bus or on the can). What’s…
This isn’t cosplay. It’s people in their underwear who found a box of hair dye.
Possible but negligible. This is why societies that exist even today without dentists have excellent teeth. No refined sugars in their diet.
Did you know societies who don’t consume refined sugar and starches have excellent dental health? We need to evolve to not eat crap.