
Then that’s why people need to question their finances, and how intelligently they’re managing them, hence the reason for this article. 85% of people in the US finance a new vehicle, rather than purchase a RELIABLE used vehicle. There’s about a $15000 difference right there in most cases, at least. Yes there are

How odd that you’re not impressed by this article that’s for the 95% that you’re not a part of. Nobody decides to be a freelance musician if they value financial freedom more.

Canadian here too. Even better is after doing this and reinvesting the tax return from your RRSP and back into it, that’s almost an extra 3rd of your invested income every year.

Just because you want the $200, don’t be mad bro.

You’d think this would be easy enough for people to understand, but when given these simple points they have to rationalize why they can’t do these things. Sometimes they need a large wall of text to realize that they’re borrowing money they don’t have to buy things they don’t need so they can impress people they

As long as you didn’t get the one with exploding transmissions, you should be good.

That was a hard hit for a small frame. She’s surprisingly tough considering how fast she recovered from that.

It’s not about who’s to blame that is so frustrating, it’s about the fact that they don’t give a shit, even after being explained AND seeing the aftermath.

Please quote where he said it was because he was black.

No this is being pedantic on the weight of word descriptors. Unless this is your first time using the internet, there should be no argument on what context this was meant.

Didn’t Trump say the election is rigged before the election? But when he wins it’s now not rigged?

Pirating is not stealing. That would require taking it from someone else, then them not having it anymore. And don’t forget that many of these people would gladly pay to watch these programs, but are given no way to do so.

What these media companies are doing is basically a form of tied selling. (Which according to

Because for those folks who got a Season Pass on iTunes, they have to wait an extra 24 hours to watch it, and risk all the internet spoilers during that time.

“Apparently, there are a lot of folks out there who skipped out on the fee.” Considering most of the known world that watched Top Gear originally, doesn’t have access to Amazon Prime, maybe that might be a REALLY BIG CLUE!

Clear your Dalvik Cache on an Android device after an update! (On some devices this doesn’t happen even when doing a factory reset).

I’ve always had good success with bringing hot water in a Nalgene container into the sack.

Maybe it should be called “we’ve come a long way since a single truck driver took out our entire team”

Slow news day?

And still have money left over to put her in video game of his own.