
It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

This meshes perfectly with Assange being, at best, a useful idiot for Putin and at worst, an actual agent of the FSB. Regardless of who won the election, it was always in Putin’s interests to undermine the winner. His interest is in weakening US democracy and standing in the world so it was only a matter of time

OMG you missed the cutest woke man there.

I think also, unfortunately, it’s just a microcosm of the uphill battle Democrats always face against Republicans. It’s incredibly easy to NOT make the government work, or to make it seem untrustworthy. It’s incredibly easy to promise lower taxes and the removal of regulations when you can assume those actions have no

Given the sheer size of the industry, a Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement-style settlement with funds directed toward climate change mitigation and adaptation, as opposed to health care, could have a profound effect on our ability to fight and adapt to climate change. Billions of dollars plowed into carbon capture

When a powerful U.S. Senator is delivering copies of Pizzagate conspiracy theory manifestos to the director of the FBI, this equivalence will become valid.

alternate headline:

Yes, unions vs. transgender bathroom rights, the classic “either-or” choice.

Samir. Samir Nahh-gon-work-here-anymore.

monogamy took the bone, and matrimony took the balls.

Now you know why he carries a sound cone. He couldn’t handle the boom.

I must say I’m starting to have some doubts about this Trump gentleman. I initially quite liked his idea to make America great again; I was lucky enough to visit the country recently and I rated it only “very good” rather than “great” (I knocked a mark off because the hotel kept forgetting to change our towels and

Take your star, you jerk.

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...