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I don’t care if it was an announcement of an announcement, that made me laugh. Reggie is 1 of the best things to happen for Nintendo.

He started deadlifting Gamecubes and I just fucking died. Nintendo is great.

I’m just glad Reggie uses the Power Pad the right way.


I think it’s been pretty clear for a while that they had no idea Amiibo would be so popular.

200CC, Mushrooms only. Come at me bros.

So a PS4 version is a possibility? Or is it already planned? The arcade cabinet is probably just a PS4 with extra RAM, so porting is probably just a matter of resizing the textures.

Not sure about the flat lighting and simplistic shading, but the character models look impressively detailed. Square proved once again that they are still the king of 3D anime hair modeling.

it can’t be more flawed than *the movie*

Sexism isn’t even in video games. Tropes? (Damsels, gritty-old-male,ect) deffinitely. But it’s not sexism; it's what story the devs wanted to tell you. One thing I think could use improvement (since devs are getting pressured to include them) are gay characters. Devs don't know how to write a gay character because


A Theatrhythm Square Enix for the WiiU, compiling every single song released in previous Theatrhythm games plus much more. From FF I to all of Xenogears

Nope, you’re still getting FMS and EMS stages. XP is pretty good in the traveling stages though, but the game does seem to be focused on combat, since it keeps track of which monsters you defeated, etc. and I do think there’s slightly more BMS songs than other types.

Playing through this right now, and I’m, once again, completely hooked. I just love the Theatrhythm games. They’re EXACTLY what I need in a rhythm game.

The fact that I’m hardly familiar with DQ music does nothing to diminish the experience.

Personally, I don’t doubt that he’s still at Konami in some form working on this game. He’s going to see it across the goal line. (I hope!) What happens after that? Who knows, I guess.

Okay okay, gods, I was trying to defend her.

But shouldn’t a character be relatable based on their personality and history, and not simply their gender (or race)? I’ve related to female characters before, because their character was what was important to our “relationship” (so to speak). Girls needing a character to be female to be able to relate to them is