Abandoned Account

In an alternate universe:

Sorry, didn’t mean to post this to you. Was supposed to go the article.

Okay, now turn into a ball.

Where was this in my childhood? My kids would hate this, but I would have loved it in the SNES era.

Uncivilized people curse. Internet has nothing to do with that.

Price point and release date? Please say before FF 15 and Persona.

This article just completely re-enforced what I’ve been on about for a few weeks now - the internet is toxic. And it isn’t toxic by nature, it’s toxic because the way we are parenting these kids (who grow up to be internet trolls) is toxic. The low and poor class is full of nothing but reality television loving drama

There’s no high horse. I’m not your “bro”, so you can’t talk to me like that. Have some netiquette and don’t be so gangster. Is it really that hard to do to suppress curse words? Seriously, it’s distasteful and makes you look like low class (poor).

May I ask that if you don’t understand someone’s point that you ask more questions? I mean no disrespect by that, but you’re never going to understand the world you live in to its fullest if you don’t get perspectives that are fresh to you or that are difficult to abstract at first.

From what I understand, neither SJW nor GamerGate are organized groups. They just use hashtags to do their armchair activism through twitter and other public areas where people their age like to argue.

What were you lacking? Social skills or just the ability to do it all yourself?

Question: As a software developer, are you expected to learn every command in your language of choice? Or do you get to have a manual to help you at your desk? I understand much of software development is just understanding the flow of your code and getting it to the end result in mind, but does memorization of

The question really is at the end of the day, what job is worth giving up more than 40 hours of your life per week? Any? I can only think of one and that’s “working for yourself”.

We live in the Midwest. He’s only 13 though so we’ll see what the climate is in 5 years.

We live in a Free to Play world, no one buys anything any more. They might subscribe if you entice them enough (think the new WoW pay model), they might buy content (think Mario Kart 8 DLC), they might pay for a powerlevel (again WoW pay model), they might buy in game currency (think Miitomo coins for Pachniko and

I’ve always wondered about acting - Do you feel jobs like yours is a “don’t have a family, don’t have a social life, just do as you’re told and shut up” line of work? I’m finding that a lot of jobs do that now, they expect their “low rung employees” to give them everything they got, to the point of altruistic personal

I don’t know if I agree with that statement. I would never make a game the size of Final Fantasy if I was an Indie developer. I would be so concerned about raising production costs and that I couldn’t keep these costs down that I just would never make a game with that much polish. Instead, I think a good Indie

I meant something they STILL fight for. Marriage equality has occurred in the last year or so (I can’t remember exactly when this happened, it was just another day for me but I was happy for friends):

Thank you for the insight. Yeah, when I said Indie, I meant don’t join a company, start his own. Even if he has to use major tool assisted programs like Roblox or Game Maker to get his start. But I do really appreciate that insight.