
So, all the bros who spent the last few months screaming at Katie Rife for daring to talk about this and INSISTING THAT THERE WAS NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT until some accusers came forward and until then this was just a plot by mean ol’ Jezebel and AV Club to smear poor Louie...

Tomsula: Any fire is a good fire for warming your hands. Think about it, when did you ever complain, “Damn this fire made my hands too warm.” Never, that’s when. Sometimes I will get done baking a Tombstone pizza and while I wait for it to cool, I’ll open the oven and stick my hands in it. Feels great, and sometimes

The problem with using the term ‘women’ in this instance is that some of Westwick’s defenders may be ‘girls’. Do you describe a 12-year-old, for example, as a ‘woman’?

This dude lives on a totally different planet.

Fuck your priorities

Plus, we all know that the best Marvel movie ever made is Black Panther (It doesn’t matter that it hasn’t come out yet–have you seen the trailer?).

Not surprised LeBron picked a costume with a better hairline than his own.

She refused one million dollars...

Violence is the only language these animals understand. It certainly isn’t compassion, or even a general sense of humanity. Nope, just violence. The kid should have caught him off campus though, so he had more time to discuss his grievance.

You’re right, violence is not the answer. Violence is the question; the answer is ‘yes’.

“I recommend you sign up for the baseball team. I can tell you’d make a great catcher after seeing the video of you CATCHIN’ DEM HANDS.”

...he never served as a SEAL, or in Vietnam.

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

Yeah, I’ve met a lot of teenagers, and I never met one who went out of his way to write an editorial trying to prove Hispanics are dumb. That’s not some teenager shit. That’s some this asshole shit.

True, but his racist teenage antics are consistent with his racist adult antics.


Take no joy in anyone getting hurt, especially a talent like OBJ. I love that guy.

Thankfully we can take unlimited glee in the phrase “the 0-5 New York Giants” instead
Fuck you, Eli.