
I don’t think Jon is the reason the lizard died. I bet Dany would have sat there and burned wights to a crisp even if Jon got on board up until the Night King showed he can Randy Johnson a 15 ton scaled pigeon. And even after that it was Jon who told them to GTFO before another dino got skewered.

Cracks me up when a troll like SeanG is trying to get out of the greys. Sorry son, not gonna happen.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

Uh actually you lost half at the end of Bush administration and 8 years later it was 30-40% higher than before the crash.

Nevermind thatI lost 1/2 the value during the Obama administration clusterfu”k economy and nearly took 4 years to recoup it value...

The only time I can recall someone being blatantly racist to me was when I was working at a psych hospital and watching a patient who was in a restraint chair. He was there because he had tried to punch me. Luckily, I saw it coming and he only got my clipboard. While I was watching him he kept floating between calling

Won’t lie, I wish I could go days at a time without talking to my coworkers.

This season has some great reactionary comedy lining up though, you gotta say.

Jon Snow totally drew those cave pictures himself.

Appalachian Caucasian

Herpes does beat men and women...

Well truly does conquer all.

“You know what you did. We all do. Even today. But rest assured we were prepared. A Man would apologize.”

The system that was in place in Africa pre-european contact was a vastly different system than the one Europeans use. It’s disingenuous to do the whole pointing fingers “They did it first bullshit.”

If you were raised properly, you would know the “ They did it first!” excuse is not accepted from Kindergartners, let alone adult racists.

Have you actually watched Empire? That show trades in stereotypes, and not always good ones. The only reason why I do watch it is because I want to see how every ends up. Just because someone may be black doesn’t mean they will make something good. See: Tyler Perry

You usually do find a dick around Balls

Silence and taketh mine gold!

This guy looks exactly like what you would expect a derp-a-derp ICE agent to look like.

Hey, I went to Duke (albeit not so briefly); do not make light of the struggle!!!!!!! It’s hard when regular, rational people wanna beat you up all the time :(