
Junior will say that when his father says he has tapes YOU WILL DAMN WILL KNOW HE HAS TAPES PLEASE DON’T HIT ME DADDY PLEASE

No, he won’t admit shit. He’ll blame that tweet on somebody else and skate away clean. That is what the rich do, isn’t it?

Well, he’s kinda right. But we did shit jobs for 200 years without pay.  

Hot take: If you hit your kids with a belt it’s fucking child abuse. I don’t care what your granny or daddy did when you were a kid.

Just...can we have a normal ass day for once?

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

This is just amazing. The DOJ attorneys who are working on the travel ban case just woke up screaming, because Trump handed the challengers another fantastic piece of evidence to include in their briefs. First, the DOJ has been refusing to call it a travel ban, and instead insisting that the courts refer to it as a

I think the Cavs realize that at this point that the only way they’re gonna get back in this series is to beat the Warriors at their own game and start kicking some dicks.

I believe it’s the “bitch” part of the statement more than the “sit down” part... probably a fair amount of angry finger pointing as well.

You fucking piece of utter and complete shit, it’s terrorism because it cultivates a culture that you white supremacist pieces of shits can harass and even attack innocent people because everybody else might be too afraid to step up and defend their fellow human beings from garbage wastes of evolution like yourself.

As a parent of three boys, I just feel so sorry for those kids because of what their asshole, attention-whore father is doing to them.

Come on. The bone spur excuse to let Pence take over was funny.

This doesn’t end well between LaVar and his sons. I can’t be the only one that sees this. Right?

How far away from Mar-a-Lago was his body found?

It’s not even in the top 10. Most fatalities are blue collar workers like loggers, fishermen, roofers, etc. Even being a taxi driver is more dangerous. Sure, there are dangerous aspects to the job, but they tend to be overblown if you look at the statistics. 

Simply rewriting and summarizing the work of others is the laziest, shittiest form of journalism.

Fuck no. Lebron can quit dicking around if he wants, but the Celtics should and probably will go down swinging.

Well yes, but this isn’t about watching basketball. Burneko is upset because the storylines on his favorite soap aren’t as interesting as they were last year.