
I’m just going to assume you live a self-sustained life making a comment like that...

look out, cgo is here again to ruin the fun for everyone!

Hey Gene, how are you today? Glad to have another discussion with you. So, during that time period these tax rates encouraged the wealthy to reconfigure their income from the individual system to the corporate system and vice-versa when the individual tax rates fell below the corporate rates in the 80's.  So, the

AC/DC happens to be one of my favorites, actually. But Ron, seriously, you’ve never lived in a country with policies that are being proposed by the current democrats running for president. The super rich will move their money overseas and avoid paying the government what they intended to collect. What’s going to

8) Socialism-Related Economic Risk. We have to watch out that if Bernie/Liz are elected president and democrats have control of the house and senate, you can count on a stock market crash. Investors will be spooked by the incoming tax hikes and policy changes that would directly affect their money if left in the

I think you need your head examined, bub. There is a huge split in the party. Those that support the likes of AOC, Bernie, & Liz are far to the left of those who support people like Biden, Mayor Pete, and Joe Manchin.  

Yeah but do you check political leanings on everything you purchase? Do you make sure you only go to restaurants that you know the owners donate to democrats?

lol this is one of the top replies when you click the link

I’ve also become more of a stout guy the past few years. Also came across this nut brown ale at a local brewery they serve on nitro, it’s excellent.

Do you make sure all the products you consume are made by anti-trumpers?

Well that’s dumb.  I can’t imagine having the need to know the political leanings of the owner for all the consumer products I purchase.  How about just relax and enjoy the things you like?

I’d say Yuengling has some taste. Also, how in the frig does Bud ice crack the top 20?!?!

Old people. Old people like Joe Biden because they know the name.  

I mean, duh? Seems pretty obvious why a billionaire would not support a candidate who supports a wealth tax or 90% tax rates...

The problem is that you specifically blame Trump for every mass shooting.  If you are not going to blame Obama for Sandy Hook then you can’t blame Trump for Parkland or El Paso.  Did Clinton cause Columbine? Was Bush responsible for 9-11?  It also shows that the left is unwilling to unify and what does that create?

Splinter will not report information that damages their left wing narrative. It's common for them to completely ignore certain stories.

A motor vehicle, a bomb, and poison could be equal or even more lethal than a gun.  I’m for regulating access to guns but would never be in favor of a total ban. Things like gun safety courses should be mandatory and maybe even a license where you have to prove competency to own.  Just like how adolescents have to

I don’t think inferior is the right word here, Gene. But there is something seriously wrong. I believe a killer has already made the decision to kill before selecting how. So to me, eliminating the gun won't do much.

No, just like most conservatives aren’t white supremacists. But, the liberal media wants you to believe otherwise.

I agree it’s a cultural problem in America. Not a left/right thing. The problem is that one side keeps pushing a false narrative of all republicans being white supremacist, nazi, fascist, racists.  The problem is hate in general and many of you refuse to accept that there are people on the left capable of such