
I know it’s not likely it could be a viable game plan, but I think having Manning on the sideline just watching in the first half may be the best thing they can do so long as they aren’t down by more than a touch down going in to the second half. I think Manning just watched and saw the holes and saw what he thought

we have 2 of the laser temp guns - and we have done exactly what you outlined here. good times. and to be fair, the tape measure that she was using was a tape measure in the most literal sense - like the one you use to measure clothes with. It was pretty funny.

No it just popped in my mind the other day when my wife asked where the measuring tape was and then I watched as she struggled to measure the base of our ferret cage in the corner and I thought to myself ‘there has to be a better way!’ Seems like a nifty/useful tool to have around but damn $175 seems pretty expensive!

Was looking at laser distance measurers today and wondering if you all have any advice or experience with them.

Judging from just this article that links to the tool which can be used in a variety of ways, what do you think the politics of the writer are? And where do you sign up for Lifehacker?

What seems to be ignored in this article is the ad revenue Donald Trump posts generate. It seems only logical to me that any article on Trump probably generates a lot of clicks / hateclicks. This isn’t about ethics in journalism. This is about making money. If history has proven that people love to read or hate read

You guys still need a music intro? I’ll make one for ya. I do the musics.

That’s pretty darn close to 17fps. Yikes.

I’ve always played inverted Y. I just started playing COD BO 3 last night though, and their drone controls have it so RB make the drone go up and LB makes it go down. It’s gonna take some getting used to.

That was a really fun game to watch, but this is absolutely correct - and it was never more apparent to me then when Dyson was on second and threatening to steal third. Reed was completely mentally dismantled by this situation. I’m sure it’s probably pretty common for the 2nd basement to give all that chatter back to

My money is on Samer. Anyone who uses that many quotes in a 535 word essay can’t win in a fist fight.

Seriously, where can I get a City Animals hoodie?

using ‘once’ for ‘wants’ - never seen that before.

For some reason this reminded me of ZORK and other text based adventure games. They were my first introduction to gaming and in many ways are the foundation for lots of ‘gamer logic’ things - but at the same time they had to do a lot to represent ‘real life’ logic. I have a better point in here somewhere...

I love my XboxOne and so does my wife because she can switch between watching live TV and Netflix and Hulu and Prime really quickly. Never had any controller issues. I did have an issue with the power button on the front stopped responding when i touched it - but I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it worked

Did anyone actually stick around til the end? I mean, c’mon!

I was a fan of Arkham City Demon Trials & Ra’s al Ghul Boss Fight. Everything leading up to it in Wonder City and the really strange level design in the demon trials. The mechanics of the boss fight itself isn’t anything totally amazing but the whole look of it was pretty incredible and a neat departure from the

Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines... Raphael is rude (gimme a break) and Michelangelo is a party dude.

I used to work with Tatum Bell at a juvenile corrections facility. He did not last long there.