
well, at least you can use the One to watch people streaming from their PS4

i'd walk out.

they said they are planning on implementing it as they underestimated demand for it. A leak that im not sure how trustworthy it is said it will be in the next firmware revision (1.6, if we get a 1.5x it wont be there)

she is like cloud for the first 10 minutes of FFVII, their evolutions are completely different

torgue is teh funniest character in video game history

Character: Victor "Goddamn" Sullivan

favorite memory is now the ending of Burial at Sea part 1, the evolution of elizabeth from confused girl in a tower to assistant to all powerful deity back down a notch to femme fatale but then straight badass at the end of burial at sea

the point is I dont use extra space I have while gaming to multitask when I have 9000% better multitasking.

I have a 6 monitor array, 3 used by my game, 2 doing nothing, I still do not multitask on the extras when playing

if you have a PC, get a PS4, its a much safer bet to say that the PS4 will have better exclusives, just because sony has more and better first party devs. (The Last of Us 2 PS4?)

I'mma PC gamer, I have 9000% better multitasking than this, but I still don't use it when I'm playing games. This feature is fucking stupid and uselessly takes away system resources that could be used for powering games. System resources that the xbox one is clearly struggling for.

I'm the same, just 2 years older

this excites me, and I hate myself for it...

I'm just taking as much advantage of my tool as I can

well my life is so amazing that its basically a dream

still standing

I'm having fun

If something was shoved in my face I would know, and react accordingly.

I'll let you know what the truth feels like when I find it