
Do you think they may also be worried that people won’t watch because Dec. 31 is generally seen as a night for forgettable college bowl games?

No, because how often does anyone care who the accusers are. Why would they do something to get famous when everyone immediately forgets who they are?

Mike Pence has every right to leave the game, the players were protesting him and specifically his policies. Please Mike Leave, go home and “Make America Great Again”, and don’t come back until you do. Don’t come back until you’ve convinced congress that denying millions of Americans access to health care is immoral.

How will they ever recover?

A more appropriate question is: How do Jeb and Jeets have enough money to buy the Marlins?

Also: Water is wet

The thing is, this whole case is very transparent. You can literally see right through everyone involved.

Or Merril Hodge

The lowest paid FBS College football coaches are better and more qualified than any of the assistants that get promoted to NFL head coaching gigs every year

Give the Eagles Super Bowl XXXIX

Fuck this, grow a beard!

Fuck this, grow a beard!

Less fighting, More Cowbell

Thanks for the update, just put in my app

This is why he should skip next season... Oh yeah

Or does he think that not passing it will stop actual creeps from doing what they please

Now playing

I’ve mentioned before this is a long standing tradition in Texas High School Football

Great tweet by Beckman half an hour before being fired

$60 M. The players will get like a dollar each.