
Conceivably, you may have to ship a dog that size, not be with it on a commercial plane. While I know that many dogs are shipped and it goes fine, I’m not sure I could ever do that to my own dog. We don’t know this dog, either, he could be super anxious and any sort of journey like that could be incredibly stressful

I have two dogs, and the elderly one literally wouldn’t survive a flight like that, even if he flew private and could be in a lap the whole time.

The makeup truck reminds me of the adorbs Benefit vending machine I see in airports. It’s awesome and always great in a pinch!

Honestly, if I had to move across an ocean, I would probably try to give my dog to someone else. It would be incredibly heartbreaking, but some dogs just really can’t travel like that. I don’t know that I could put mine through it. He’d be less distressed going to a different home.

I’m sure there was a valid reason for the dog to have stayed with a friend. But as usual people have to get up in arms over something they know nothing about.

I hated Juno, too!

Can we replace it with a show called “Witch Hunters” that is about a coven of witches who hunt down sexual predators and other scum?

The one from the Seinfeld episode where he auditioned for George in the show-in-the-show.

Plug in your phone! You’re making me very nervous!

Late May is the most beautiful time in the UK. The flowers, the fresh green foliage .... if I could stall the world to stay at late May in the UK forever, I would.

The coat she’s wearing is from a Canadian fashion line, and their website has already crashed. Love it!

For a second I thought you said she was cheating on him with Tiffany as in Tiffany Trump, his second daughter. Which wouldn’t even be the weirdest story I’ve ever heard about these people.

I’m the biggest anti-monarchist ever, AND I’ve never gotten round to being married - it seems SO WRONG that I’m the most excited in this room. It’s like no-one cares about the engagement of two people they have never met or ever will meet... (I am so looking forward to the fashion parade, Meghan being tons more


michelle obama sure seemed to think the position had responsibilities, and i, for one, thank her for her herculean efforts.

Melania wanted to be a wealthy widow. Who would have thought that sentient oedema would live this long? I’m sure she’s never urged him to eat a salad or join he at the gym. Meanwhile, she’s keeping fit, ready to snag husband #2. I’m sure she’s pissed Trump hasn’t dropped dead of a massive coronary yet

As if we didn’t know about “shocker” ever since the inauguration:

Not too surprised by this news. I think there were also rumours/reports from back in the day about her trashing Mark Salling’s car after she caught him cheating on her. Mark Salling is an ENORMOUS pile of shit for other reasons, but Naya’s got some aggression issues that I’m glad are being addressed.

She has a kid. Nothing distresses me more than people with anger problems with kids. Especially toddlers because 1. Toddlers can be frustrating 2. Toddlers understand and feel so much 3. Toddlers can’t always express and tell everything they experience

How did humanity survive before the 2000s, let alone the 1900s and prior?