
this. I don’t think people who eat meat should get a say on abortion. You’re ok killing an actual live animal for your 10 minute ENJOYMENT but not a bunch of cells that doesn’t feel pain in order you SAVE YOUR LIFE? Screw that double standard. Animals>group of fetus cells.

THIS. Picking on Tiffany and not the white female comedians who have worked with questionable men is racist. I don’t think people really understand what racism is.

Thank you for this.

lol I get it. It’s also silly to police the grammar of a pop star. Really who cares if she had a good or bad year? I doubt anyone on here is more upset at this article than anything going on in the world. God I hope not.

What’s questionable about that? Does everything that comes out of our mouths have to be inclusive and have a political tone? No thank you. I couldn’t have asked for a better year, either, for me personally. When we stop bring grateful we have bigger problems.  

But thats what she’s saying! Why is everyone being a complete dense idiot about this? She said it was a great year for her thanks to her fans. I had a great year thanks to my kids and coworkers. I will not apologize for being grateful while the world melts around us.

Ah! Now we’re policing gratitude? What?! Are you that dense?

Disgusting. I’m so sorry that happened to you. It was our first date and we both knew it was more of a “let’s grab a drink and if we like each other we can go home and screw” not serious kind of “date.” So he picked me up and asked to use the bathroom before the date. I said ok and rape ensued. I guess he also thought

What beautiful babies! My heart goes to their families.

I honestly feel bad for him. I dealt with what he did to me an am ok. I worry for him and his soul, to be totally honest. Who raised this man? Where did he learn that interacting with women this was is alright? It’s sad. It’s very sad.

I once had a date invite himself into the bathroom in my apt, push me onto the bed, and rape me. When he finished and I pushed him off (he was 6'4-I’m 5'6) and told him what he did was wrong and I was upset, he was BAFFLED. He was upset and kept apologizing. I had been saying “no stop. Please stop it hurts” during the

This is very old news.

Social introvert here, too! If you’re in NYC....

Lol. I’m glad you know me and my life. My life has been anything but easy and I wouldn’t call myself lucky in most regards. I don’t know why you’re so offended that i think people are making their lives harder than they have to be. This goes for many aspects of life, not just child rearing. If anything, I’ve had a

We all saw center stage. Duh?

Ha I know what you meant. No I know it won’t be fully developed but hopefully moreso than it is now!

Stop it. You can’t handle being spoken to be a stranger? My friend, I say this with the upmost respect, you need you work on yourself.

I had 2 kids before I was 25.

This is it. This needing to be best friends with your kids for fear they won’t, idk, love you? I think it stems from a lack of self esteem. If you believe in yourself and what you stand for, it shouldn’t be that hard. I’d love more information on other cultures and how they raise children. I do know thdon’t French do

Yeah I hear you. I do think that technology isn’t helping anyones anxiety, really. Sometimes it’s good to face the things that make you uncomfortable. Of course I don’t know you and don’t know why talking to people makes you anxious.