
I was on the way to port authority by subway when the explosion occurred. Very scary. Some of us got text alerts underground and we knew what was happening. I didn’t say anything to my fellow riders. I was afraid people wouldn’t freak out and someone would get hurt. This is scary. I’ll never forget being blocks away

I usually keep myself together during work but I had to step out of the room a few times and just sob hard and quietly into my shirt at the hospitals during inmate births. A lot of the women are very very young...19, 20...and very scared. Sometimes I’ll fudge something on their charts to give them extra time. The baby

Ah yes I can see that happening in rural areas more so than metro ones. I’m located in a huge city and the midwives I know are exceptional and talented and serious about their profession. 80 may be slightly high but not by much. It’s very rare that I turn someone away for a home birth if that’s what they want. To each

Midwife here. There are very few unlicensed midwives practicing. Why anyone would go to an unlicensed anything is beyond me. Licensed midwives are a perfectly safe bet for 80% of births and we are probably more experienced with normal birth than most doctors practicing. Most of my obgyn friends did not get schooled in

Fidi is the most depressing neighborhood in NYC. Why anyone would want to live there is beyond me. Everything closes @7pm and there is no culture. Just financial people walking around like zombies and tourists coming to see the 9/11 memorial.

Hey. Native nyer here who has lived in probably every nyc neighborhood in her 31 years. I’d suggest prospect heights! It’s very close to prospect park for your pup (offleash hours morning and evenings-weekends are one huge puppy party), close to shops/dining/cafes/life, and express 2 into the city. Express should take

I was catcalled @9 months pregnant, with the flu, in the largest puffiest jacket you’ve ever seen. I looked like a walking sick tugboat. Was still cat called and followed 2 blocks.

Yo. I speak English and a smattering of Thai. That’s it. Anyone who speaks multiple languages even conversationally has my respect. Dislike the woman because she’s married to a racist fascist egomaniac, not because she dresses well and speaks languages.

I’m pretty sure that’s Jason momoa.

Did they have permission from the mother to use the fetus? I am not ok with the government doing scientific tests on anyone without their permission. But I also don’t believe animal testing is moral in 2017.

Duh. Nobody is saying she’s a rocket scientist (although she does speak like 4 more languages than I do) but to make fun of her fashion is dumb when she is looking fly.

Agreed. That was not a flattering dress. I’m usually a fan of big sleeves in the sense of bell sleeves or the like. They make fat arms look skinny. If only that dress were taken in a few inches and shortened to knee length.

There’s no shame in not knowing. We all started as idiotic babies who didn’t know a thing. No shame. You were taught and changed. That’s more important and impressive than people who have been taught since birth or whatever. Good on you.

Unpopular opinion-I think Melania is killing the fashion game. She looks flawless every time. I loved her Vatican outfit and the crazy expensive d&g coat and the outfit she wore the the hurricane relief. I think she and trump are awful people but the woman knows how to dress.

They’ll get all twisted and you’ll rub them off I’ve learned to run my eyes delicately without touching the eyelashes.

Jelly rings!

Yeah don’t put makeup on them! My friend did this and complained try all fell out. Duh. Oh hahe to be very careful with them. They’re just tiny pieces of hai glued to your eyelash-they aren’t permanent. I go a month between fills.

I’m sure it will work. I’m afraid to put chemicals so close to my eyes, especially when it darkens the eyelid and eyeball. Also it’s crazy expensive! I think extensions are way cheaper. Let us know how it goes. I’m curios to hear first hand.

This. Anyone who thinks business people do anything for anything other than money make me laugh.

Yo. eyelash extensions will be your best friend. They are pricey but you can get deals if you live in a city and if you take care of them you don’t need a touch up more than every 3-4 weeks. 10000% worth it. I wake up looking like a sex kitten and now only wear concealer and that’s it.